Drawing objects in perspective in any orientations is not an easy task. Static grids feel restrictive. Objects typically aren't neatly aligned with an imaginary set of guide-lines. Instead they face all sorts of directions all the time. This plugin will create a perspective grid. But more importantly, it will then allow the user to rotate the grid as needed so that he or she can draw all the objects they need in their proper orientations. There is no guess-work involved. There is no need for a cumbersome 3D software either. Yet, the rotations will be as mathematically accurate as can be.
RIGS "Jin & Joe" courtesy of OnOne Animation School.
RIGS "Body mechanics Rigs" courtesy of Joe Daniels.
All fourths tuning is in many ways more of a standard tuning than Standard tuning is. Getting rid of the inconsistency between the G and B string makes the whole fretboard more logical. Using a regular tuning means that any chord, scale, or shape, can now be displaced along AND across strings while still retaining its sound. A same fingering will always produce the same interval. As a result, intuition develops faster on P4 tuning, and the mind-fingers connection happens quicker. P4 tuning is especially useful for improvisation. It opens up the fretboard both for single lines and chord improvisation. This book is my contribution to the internet knowledge library since resources are still few regarding the tuning.